<% Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") MdbFilePath = Server.MapPath("/DB/vzvb.mdb") conn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & MdbFilePath & ";" LoginNiveau=Session("SSLoginNiveau") %> Laatste wijzigingen PROVINCIE : <%=Request("FrmProvincie")%>
<% '------------------------------------------------------------ SET objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") SET objTX = objFS.OpentextFile(Server.MapPath("seizoen.txt")) Seizoen = objTX.ReadLine '------------------------------------------------------------ %> <% 'Response.Write "Date() : " & date() Currenttime = now() 'Response.Write "
Current time : " & Currenttime Filtertime = DateAdd("m",-1, Currenttime) 'Response.Write "
" & LEN(month(Filtertime)) & "
" IF LEN(month(Filtertime))<2 THEN filtermonth = "0" & month(Filtertime) ELSE filtermonth = month(Filtertime) END IF timeString = "#" & year(Filtertime) & "/" & filtermonth & "/" & day(Filtertime) & " 00:00:00#" 'Response.Write "
Filter time : " & Filtertime 'Response.Write "
Filter timestring : " & timeString %> <% MySQL = "SELECT * FROM Spelers WHERE SpelerLogTimeStamp > " & timestring & " AND Provincie='" & Request("FrmProvincie") & "' AND SpelerChangeList='J' ORDER BY SpelerLogTimeStamp DESC" 'Response.Write "
" & MySQL Set rs = conn.Execute(MySQL) Count=0 DO WHILE NOT rs.EOF count=count+1 %> <% rs.MoveNext LOOP %>
# Geb.Datum Famnaam Voornaam SpelerNr Club/Ploeg Statuut Log
<% rs.Close Conn.Close %>